Journal entry - 5/30/08
Denomination. Fundamentals. Faith. Freedom. Master or Slave --
How exhausting it is trying to figure out how everyone else tells you to think and believe. It's frustrating. Where's the freedom to enjoy life, enjoy God?
Baseline is this -- Throw it all to the side, it is all too crazy to sort through right now. Can you come to the place where you can just acknowledge that you are a significant being and a seek out your Creator. Find that place in your mind where you can meditate on Him alone for just a little while. As though the universe were empty except for you and your Creator, one on one. Seek Him for your purpose, direction. Whatever questions you have .
It's not about doctrine or some emotional roller coaster, or your peers and the latest trend. It's about you acknowledging your Creator and seeking out the purpose in your exhistence. The Creator has the answers and longs for the inamacy of your acknowledging Him and your pure lust in finding your designated purpose.
What a God that would sacrifice so much through time to give you, ME, open access to such intamacy.
Do not expect a cookie cutter, stamped out response from your Creator. Anticipate a unique understanding of your significance.
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