Fun with Limes!
We have such good times at our house. Tonight we enjoyed an evening of entertainment at the dinner table as the kids experienced Limes and Salt. Just for fun we photographed a tribute to our dear friends the limes. Oh how bitter you tasted but we just couldn't stop!
We spent the afternoon sorting and organizing. We are hoping to make a big haul at a garage sale soon. The kids are a huge help, they love sorting through all the stuff they forget they have. Alas, not much gets put in the "garage sale" box on their end.
The much anticipated rain moved in this evening. Darren had just stopped in about 10 minutes before the rain started to get his beach towel. I suppose the trip to the swimming pool didn't work out so well.
Bennette and I will be traveling to Tulsa tomorrow for an appointment and then lunch with Aunt Lisa. We plan to drop in on Gardeners BookStore, I hear it is a MUST visit.
Just so you don't forget about the limes here is a little photo essay for you--ENJOY!!!
You guys are so Cute!!! I miss you ALL very much!!