
Monday, November 01, 2010

Passionate about the Closing of the Children's Home

I have spent the last few days replying to phone calls and emails.  I am SO overwhelmed and appreciative of all of the support that we have received.  Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!  I hope that I have effectively expressed my concern for the closing of the Children's Home and the uprooting of so many children and families.  I have attached a copy of a letter that I just sent to a new facebook friend.  Contact me if you are interested in more information or if you would like to know how you can help further.

I would be very happy to bombard you with information of the tragedy occuring at the Children's Home :)

The Facebook Cause page is a good resource. We are linking as many news stories and letters to that page as we can. The Tulsa World and the Ponca City News have been very resourceful in quoting the offices of Senators, DHS, and our local city government and you will find that information in the news article links there.

There is a support group/letter writing campaign started. All emails letters and articles will be forwarded to the American Legion Board.
Save the Childrens Home Angels
2709 Avon
Ponca City, OK 74601

We have a lot of faith in the American Legion Organization. This decision was appearantly made by the Oklahoma District Board consisting of 20 members. They are supposed to be acting on behalf of the National American Legionnairs (27,000+ members). Due to the overwhelming reaction of shock that seems to be surfacing on behalf of the American Legion at this time (including our local post), I feel like this board is going to have to be accountable to some very unhappy Legionaires across this country.

If this board has made the decision to "get out of the children's home business", there is a better way. This is NOT a budget issue. It is easy to understand that if there is no money, you have to shut things down. We have the funding we need. 90% of our funding is provided through DHS. The other 10% is provided to us through Grant writing and private donations. The American Legion does support us with donations and we are very appreciative because they go above and beyond to support our children on an inndividual sponsorship as well as in many other ways.

We love the American Legionaires and they are an important to our heritage and our future. I do not believe that the board making this decision is acting on the best interest of the American Legion as a whole. We hope that our campaign will help our voices be heard at the highest level. It is unnecessary that this abrupt closing should affect our community in such a negative way. If we have a few more months I am convinced that another organization would step in and we could make this transition without 74 people loosing their homes (44 children + 30 staff and family) and 60 people loosing their jobs. (Did I mention it's Christmas time, as well?)

I don't know if I have covered enough areas for you but I am available to answer any questions that you have.  I feel like I have expressed our passion for this cause. We appreciate your concern and any assistance or ideas that you might give to help us further our campaign.

Thanks, again! I hope you will be in touch soon,
Tina Clonts

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