
Tuesday, November 09, 2010

What the WHAT!?!?!?

This has been a crazy couple of weeks.  I expect that we will have an idea of what direction our course will take after Saturday.  As much as we have had an amazing amount of support for our cause, we have also had many of our family and friends step forward to offer their help to us if necessary. 

I am overwhelmed by the supporters taking a stand from the meekest of citizens to the powers of the government and media.  There have only been a few letters or emails that have responded to me that have actually said "We are informed of what is going on, it is not the place of our office to have an opinion".  Shouldn't 60 people loosing their jobs and 74 people being displaced from their homes--all unnecessary--be of interest if thier voice can positively influence an extension in order to keep it from happening???  What if it were 600 jobs or 740 homeless?  Would that warrant their attention? 

Meanwhile, back on the homefront. . . Darren and Kallie have been picking up where I have been slacking, me being away from home so much.  I am grateful and I am appreciative of what my three youngest children are learning from this process. 

Darren, Kallie, Zach, and Bennette will all be participating in the production of NOC's annual Christmas Program. I will announce the details as I know them. 

We have finally named the newest addition to our family--Gypsie Rose.  She is recovering well, she is sleeping less and eating and playing more.  Her whiskers are singed and I think that has made her sick.

I am off to another day of sending emails.  If you haven't got yours then you must not be on my list.  Send me your email address and I will forward the information to you or send emails to

Thank you for all your support. 

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