This is a copy of an email sent to our volunteer team members. Edited to protect identities
Hello Friends!
Forgive me for just now emailing you, it has been a very busy weekend :)
Thank you for making yourself available. I want to take this opportunity to brief you on the weekend and make sure you have plenty of information resources.
First the weekend:
My personal feelings after the events at Saturday's District Meeting in Woodward--I am disappointed in our board, but NOT discouraged.
DISAPPOINTMENT - Our board members still refuse to listen to anyone or anything pertaining our children, our jobs, or our homes (BOO!)
ENCOURAGEMENT - We were well received by the majority of the Legionnaires attending. The Auxiliary members even came outside (three times) to ask if they could bring us something warm to drink. We were invited inside after lunch for a open discussion after the regular session concluded. It was very moving to hear the veterans standing up for our children. It was very emotional.
It was quite a drive to Woodward and it was stinkin' cold. But I am very proud to have been there, there were staff and volunteers who stood bold and strong for what they (WE) believe is right. You were well represented on Saturday. We stood for you, and for our kids, and for our homes. You should be proud and I hope that more of you may be available to attend next time. Yes, there will be more opportunities.
Beverly Bryant continues to do a wonderful job covering the story. If you want to know what happened in the meeting, you can pick up Sunday edition or read it tomorrow at . She was on the outside the same as we were and covered the events as we experienced them.
I understand from our website creator that he interviewed Senator Myers for the website. Senator Myers makes mention in that interview that the board members are getting so many phone calls that they are starting to have their phone numbers changed!!!
Thank you to those of you who were available to make signs for Woodward.
Thank you to those working on the press release distribution.
There will be more to do, tomorrow evening the volunteer team (Diane, Becky, Amanda and myself) are going to meet to to regroup and then we will have more projects to work on.
To wrap up, now you all have my email address now and I welcome your feedback, ideas, whatever. Please be patient with me as I try to get back with you. Also, I have posted links some of our resources so dive in and share, share, share!
Email your letters of support to .
Your letters will be added to the MANY that are being forwarded to the board members.
Facebook Cause Page
Save The Children's Home Angels
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Our Website--Thanks to Andy and Coleen!
Ponca City News Articles relating to the ALCH
Stand Strong My Friends, We are all in this together,
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