
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Save the Children's Home


This is NOT a budgetary issue--although Oklahoma Legion Adjutant Kellerman wants you to think that. It is NOT a decision of all the American Legion Posts and Auxiliaries across the United States who support ALCH. It is a Kellerman decision backed by twenty men on the Executive Board.

The Angels-thats us- represent local non-Legion volunteers and contributors who

Want to save the Children's home

Ask why did this happen, and

Propose alternatives

There are alternative. Here are just a few;

A) extend the deadline so our high school seniors can graduate

B) reverse the decision entirely, until we receive an open hearing

C) buy time for the Angels to find a buyer for the home.


The Angels cannot accept contributions. We can mobilize you and you can mobilize all your friends and family to impact this dreadful decision and the process by which it was made.


More information available:

-Diane Beekmans open letter to David Kellerman, OK State Adjutant and Board Members, and letter to the Editors

-Link to Facebook Causes Page

Ponca City News Front Page Articles
-Wednesday, October 27, 2010
-Thursday, October 28, 2010
-Friday, October 29, 2010

Emial your letters to
Your letters will be combined with the voices of others and be directed in bulk to the people who need to see that we care.
On a personal note:
Raising Awareness on this issue is vital for Darren and I.  This is not a budget issue, we need your voice. 
Email me personally if you would like more information

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Children's Home in the News


As I was sitting with my daughter at the hospital this morning the nurse came in astonished about the news that the Children's Home would be closing.  We hinted at how it affected us and he said that the article had made the front page news.  So I have included a link to this mornings article which will give you the facts as of now if you are interested. 

MiKay is feeling better and we hope that she will be released in the morning.  Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers.  We know that control over all is not in our hands, but in God's.  This of course applies to all of our circumstances yesterday, today & tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

In "Whom" Do We Trust???

Who among you would offer his son a stone if he asked for bread? . . . How much more will your heavenly father give to you?

I eluded to some of you that changes for the Clonts family are on the horizon.  So now it is official.  CH-CH-CH-Changes.

So the 80+ years of caring for children at the American Legion Children's Home in Ponca City, Oklahoma is coming to a close.  For us that means looking for a new home for our family and a new job for Darren.  Anyone who knows us well, knows that this is quite a blow for our little family.

Here's a story of a girl (me) who loves, loves, LOVES her exhisting circumstances.  Family, friends, home, work. . . and now has to face the reality of completely uprooting--ouch!  I am not alone and that saddens me that there are SO many families in our community that are facing the reality, not to mention all of the children who will now have to find new placements.

For many years now, we have had to learn to trust God in our circumstances, not a new or easy thing for us.  However, we are getting better at handling it as we face these types of things.  There have been many times that we felt God leading us in a particular direction and we could not see how we could possible obtain that on our own.  I can remember Darren and I sitting at the dinner table and literally saying "Ok, God (insert "tee hee" here), if that is what you want, we are willing.  But, we have no way of making it happen, this one is on you!" and (how do you spell wha-la) unimaginable doors opened and we were happy to (how do you spell ski-daddle?) move on through.

I can remember many times when great joy has filled our hearts thinking NO. WAY. and just riding that giant wave and finding ourselves in a place better than what we could have ever expected for ourselves.  (i.e. living with my parents for 6 months trying to get on our feet, again, with our 3 kids and finding out that we were pregnant with Bennette 'insert enourmous grin here'-- one of the best things that EVER happened to us--who plans that?)  How many stories do you want I have a long list, that is a fun one. 

 What are you going to do?  What's the plan?

I have not a clue.  It is still fresh.  We are grieving but we are positive.  We are not ready, but I believe that our circumstances over the last year has been preparing us for change and in that aspect, we are ready.  We are not ruling anything out at this point--we know better. 

So tune in next time for another exciting episode/adventure . . .

Peace be with you, all of our friends and co-workers facing the same realities that we face.  We are not alone, nothing happens that God is not in control over.  Email me, we will exchange grief and positiveness!

Love you ALL!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tuesday, October 12th, 2010

Principles or Rules?

We have been doing some extensive reading on unschooling recently.  We have been applying some of the principles of unschooling life.  It is overwhelming, however, I found a quote that began this process for us, "Don't drop all your parenting rules at once. Just say "Yes!" more."

Our entire family is going through an amazing transformation.  I copied a quote from Organic Sister on Facebook the other day "You can't fill a glass with water and have it spill orange juice. Likewise you can't fill a child's life with unconditional love and generosity and have them become "spoiled, self-centered or needy".

It's really all about slowing down.  Re-evaluating EVERYTHING.  I create the stress in my life by over complicating things.  I am learning to enjoy my children and through this process we are understanding each other and growing in our relationships by leaps and bounds.  I am still the parent, protective and watchful, but I am have a different motivation.  The way we have done things in the past has rewarded us with children leading a parent directed life that they could not wait to be free of (like jail).  I want something different for my children then what I have created for them so far, a controlling, inconsistent, stressed out persuit of a unrealistic life.  It is so true, they do not do what you say, the do what they see you do.

We are throwing out the rules.  We are trying instead to instill valuable principles.

A principle internally motivates you to do the things that seem good and right. People develop principles by living with people with principles and seeing the real benefits of such a life.

A rule externally compels you, through force, threat or punishment, to do the things someone else has deemed good or right. People follow or break rules.

I had always looked at the two as being the same thing.  The two are different in definition and in application.  Re-evaluating this type of thinking is making HUGE changes in our home, in our relationships, and reaches down into the very core of my being and is changing me.  I am more relaxed and I am truly enjoying my life experiences.  It is not perfect, but I find myself more at peace with myself and with the world around me.  I am discovering what truly matters and that I can confidently set personal boundaries without guilt. 

Try this experiment:  The next time your child asks if they can eat dessert first, say yes!  AND JOIN THEM.  The next time they ask you to play Barbies or Legos, you guessed it, say  Yes!  But the real key is to put out of your mind whatever you were doing or whatever needs to be done and enjoy that time with your child.  There is nothing more important than that moment. 

Thanks for following me in my journey, I think I am on baby step 126,155,332 and I have a lifetime left to go.  Remember to LIVE--Simply.  Generously.  Unpretentiously.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Bracelets for Kim

Per Robin on Facebook:

We are selling silicone braclets (purple) that say FAITH LOVE CONQUER AND KIMBERLY ON BACK SIDE. to help Kim with medical expenses. It has been doing very well we had to order more. If you would like one or more let me know . $5.00 a braclet. Thanks everyone for all your support.
Bob and Marcia Crandall

Please spread the word!
Thanks, Tina