
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thursday, July 29th, 2010

A wonderful day for a playdate with our friends. 

The temperature was hot but the sprinkler was wet. 
We spent a great afternoon outside.  

Kallie and I had our noses in our new books in the shade.   

The little ones compared scary faces
(Bennette's really is pretty scary).

An exhausting afternoon, I hope all the other children crashed as hard at bedtime as mine did.
For more pictures of our afternoon visit my facebook photos.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wednesday, July 28th, 2010

Kallie and Zachary take the stage.  I have posted a picture of them.  Here is the link to the videos on YouTube.  Once there we have also loaded two other videos of clips from the Pinocchio production that took place last Saturday.

Did I mention how much fun that we all had?  Here are some reviews:

"Loved It!"
--Nanna and Pa

--Bennette (5)

"Spectacular!  And I wouldn't lie or my nose would grow"

Happy Wednesday everybody.  This week has been chaos, I hope to get back in my regular groove after we get through the weekend.  If "you" read this (and you know who you are)--We Love you and Miss you so much it hurts ;0)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday, July 26th, 2010

~~~The Pink Bustier~~~

True Story . . .

Once upon a time a family was getting ready to have a yard sale.  Momma sent Daddy out for some boxes so they could begin packing up some of their things for the upcoming event.  Daddy went to the dumpsters behind a few of the local retail businesses to collect some discarded boxes.  There Daddy found a box of discarded defective merchandise that he brought home for the family to dig through. 
Oh and the children did laugh and play with the things that were in the box, gleefully running the last few minutes down on depleating battery operated Christmas toys from years gone by.  But alas! (dork) In this box was another small box with twelve individually wrapped and sealed ornaments.  Brand new, not opened price tags still intact--What a find! 

Not, however, particualarly "G" rated.  But HILARIOUS nonetheless.  Inside this small box were twelve porcelin pink bustier (boo-stee-ay) christmas ornaments (email me if you want to know what is scripted on the bustier--I double dawg dare you posted the picture anyway I COULDN'T HELP IT!).  I can understand why the "retail store" may have seen these as controversial and inappropriate for their taste.  Well, now we have a box of eleven because--If it is controversial and misunderstood I HAVE TO HAVE ONE!

And so the story of the pink bustier became another running joke in the Clonts family.  Guess who's getting bustiers for christmas? The gift that keeps on giving!

Have a good FunDay MonDay!!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Catnip Kate & Toy Soldier

Today's performance of Pinocchio was an absolute blast.  I blogged about the details on Thursday if you misssed it.  It was amazing to see what Missoula does with the kids over the course of a week.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday, July 23rd, 2010

Let's talk health and nutrition.

First I will take you on a time warp. 15 years ago I landed a job as a pharmacy clerk and worked in that field for about 3 years. I gleaned ALOT from my experience. Sure I learned some great skills and gained mucho knowledge about how the world works but let's talk about what I learned from the nutrition aspect:
(scene: Enter middle aged woman with a gallon size ziplock bag full of small amber color prescription bottles)
"Mrs. D." approaches my pharmacy counter and places large clear bag on the counter. "I need to get some refills". I watch as she opens the bag and I watch her hands tremor as she removes the small bottles one by one and sets them on the counter. Appearently frustrated by her lack of focus and control of her own hands, she begins to tell a story I have never forgotten. "I went to the Doctor for . . . He prescribed this" (gently placing another bottle on the counter). "But the side effects caused ____, so he prescribed this" (another bottle). "The combination of the two caused me to ______, so I take this" (you guessed it-another bottle). This went on until every bottle had a horrifying explaination.

This was only the beginning of my observation of the giant pharmaceutical beast. I have some crazy stories, this was only the beginning of my eye opening experiences. Now is the time to enter a disclaimer, if you will. I am not opposed to doctors, pharmacies, blah, blah, blah. I have gained much knowledge from many of these kind of proffessionals in my life. From some, what to do; from others, what not to do. No bashing here, just sharing my personal opinions and experiences in my own journey.

From the beginning of these experiences at the pharmacy I determined that there had to be an alternative to this kind of lifestyle. Being on the fluffy side ALL of my life, I have had plenty of ups and downs on the health/weight scale. I began a quest and it continues to this day. I will use this forum for discussion, if you are reading this, yes, you. Please feel free to discuss, comment, email me--let's chat.

Ok, here is a brief list of things attempted (some of them may have been beneficial, some not so much):
~Supplements (you name it, there's an vitamin/herb for it)
~Pyramid/MLM Buy/Build/Bankrupt
~Exercise (from Walking Buddies to Classes & Memberships)
~Books, Videos, Cookbooks
~Flush; Detox; Cleanse
~Eat this, don't eat that
~Groups, Clubs, Bible Studies (yes, even Bible based fads)

Some of these worked great but I fell off the wagon; Some things were just a JOKE; Some were too expensive; . . . You get the point, one excuse is as good as the other. I love to watch/read articles on health tips, good nutrition, and what not. I am always looking for the magic potion to cure me. The truth is that I am my biggest enemy. My brain, my will, my laziness & procrastination. I acknowledge this, I live with it every day.

Just laying the foundation here. Tomorrow we will discuss what IS working for me RIGHT NOW and I am not selling anything I am just taking back CONTROL of me and using this blog to document my journey. I have tried some really outrageous things lately and it is affecting everything about the way I live my life. Topics that I would like to discuss (but not limited to):
~Getting rid of joy sucking worry
~Relax, Breathe, Let it go
~Iridology and other Alternative thinking
~Food Allergies that make you retain weight
~Herbivores, Chia seeds, and Herbal Tea
~Educating yourself

I DO NOT have it all figured out, you are welcome to join me in this journey if you like. I would love some feedback.  Until tomorrow. . .

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thursday, July 22nd, 2010

Kids Stuff.

Kallie and Zachary will be performing in The Missoula Children's Theatre production of Pinocchio this Saturday at the Poncan Theater.  There are two performances 3p.m. & 7p.m. 

Meanwhile, while Daddy has the kids at play practice. . .
Bennette is obsessed with the video camera and this time she was ready for a performance of her own.  For those of you who still think she is shy--here's a little bite of what it's like with her at home :)

On an additional note:
It has been one year since Kallie started her involvement in the local theater.  It was last year when the Missoula Children's Theatre presented "Beauty Lou and the Country Beast" that she tried out for her first theater role.  Since then, she has been privledged to have been a part of four other local productions with the Evans Children's Academy of Performing Arts.  No matter how big or small her involvement--she loves being a part. 

Missoula is only here for a week.  During this time they begin auditions on Monday, practice during the week, and then perform on Saturday.  Kallie was cast as the misheavious cat, she partners with the fox to decieve Pinocchio.  Zach has been cast as a toy, no speaking parts for him just some action.  Missoula has also offered workshops this week that Kallie has enjoyed.  A workshop on makeup where she adorned some hideous looking witch makeup; Shakespear, which sparked her interest and gave her a grasp on understanding (wish I had taken that one); and today's workshop will be on Improv, which she is really looking forward to.  Thanks to Brian and Allison Epperson with Missoula for all their hard work!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

"Scandal" painting by Mike Boast
SCANDALOUS: breaking with propriety
Audacious bold, determined, beyond reasonable limits
Extravagant crazy, out-of-bounds, profuse

GRACE: a virtue of God
Preposterous underserved, outrageous, unexpected
Life-changing wild, liberating, unrestrained, satisfying

Another great book find from Gardners "Scandalous Grace", a journey of Scandalous Grace, Scandalous Living.  John 8 tells us of a woman caught in the act of adultrey, brought before Christ naked, fearful, shamed.  Yet, He didn't have any harsh words.  Rather he demonstrated grace to her in His gentle, compassionate way and gave her divine forgiveness.  This same kind of grace covers my petty, self-serving, self-absorbed ways. 

A good friend reminded me on Sunday that we can't live in the past and have a future.  It's time to leave the past in the past for only then can you move forward.  For me this is a daily process.  Every day is a lesson learned.  Learn from the mistakes made in the past.  Leave the drama behind and bring the wisdom you have learned with you into the future.  Day by Day, I get overwhelmed to think much farther than that!

Day by Day--Oh, Dear Lord, three things I pray. To see the more clearly; love thee more dearly; follow thee more nearly. Day by Day (love me some Godspell)

Throughout the life of Christ I see him as "going where many dared not go".  He was seriously misunderstood and yet He understood every situation.  Most importantly, He understands me.  Thank you for tolerating my rantings, I find it very therapuetic to vent.  Be encouraged--Let's put the FUN back in Disfunctional!!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Don't Look Behind You! 
Girls day out yesterday and guess who got to tag along with Aunt Lisa and Momma--no not the Hulk (or "Hook" as she kept referring to him).  We went to this mega-mongo used book store in Tulsa it was so neat.  We took a picture of Hulk when we first arrived but Bennette was too scared to get near the monster.  Four hours later when it was time to leave she was finally brave enough to have her picture taken with him.  She was so excited for the other kids to see this massive thing. 

Thanks to my hubby and to Kallie for covering for me, I was able to escape for the day.   And one more plug for the bookstore a great resource for homeschoolers or anyone else.  They Buy, Sell, and Trade.  I made some great trades and we bought books for as low as .25 cents. I walked out of there with a huge bag of books for $5 and some change.  Cha-Ching!  Did I mention that we spent 4 hours there and I could have stayed longer.  What a great start to a long weekend, Thanks Lis'!!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010

Journal entry - 5/30/08

Denomination.  Fundamentals. Faith. Freedom. Master or Slave --
How exhausting it is trying to figure out how everyone else tells you to think and believe.  It's frustrating.  Where's the freedom to enjoy life, enjoy God?

Baseline is this -- Throw it all to the side, it is all too crazy to sort through right now.  Can you come to the place where you can just acknowledge that you are a significant being and a seek out your Creator.  Find that place in your mind where you can meditate on Him alone for just a little while.  As though the universe were empty except for you and your Creator, one on one.  Seek Him for your purpose, direction.  Whatever questions you have .

It's not about doctrine or some emotional roller coaster, or your peers and the latest trend.  It's about you acknowledging your Creator and seeking out the purpose in your exhistence.  The Creator has the answers and longs for the inamacy of your acknowledging Him and your pure lust in finding your designated purpose.

What a God that would sacrifice so much through time to give you, ME, open access to such intamacy.

Do not expect a cookie cutter, stamped out response from your Creator.  Anticipate a unique understanding of your significance.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 15th, 2010

Fun with Limes!

We have such good times at our house.  Tonight we enjoyed an evening of entertainment at the dinner table as the kids experienced Limes and Salt.  Just for fun we photographed a tribute to our dear friends the limes.  Oh how bitter you tasted but we just couldn't stop!

We spent the afternoon sorting and organizing.  We are hoping to make a big haul at a garage sale soon.  The kids are a huge help, they love sorting through all the stuff they forget they have.  Alas, not much gets put in the "garage sale" box on their end. 

The much anticipated rain moved in this evening.  Darren had just stopped in about 10 minutes before the rain started to get his beach towel. I suppose the trip to the swimming pool didn't work out so well. 

Bennette and I will be traveling to Tulsa tomorrow for an appointment and then lunch with Aunt Lisa.  We plan to drop in on Gardeners BookStore, I hear it is a MUST visit. 

Just so you don't forget about the limes here is a little photo essay for you--ENJOY!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday, July 12th, 2010

We just spent a fun day with our cousins from Missouri.  The boys played Legos, Bionicles, Cowboys, Kung Fu . . .The Girls played Barbies, Dress up (the make up was a' flowin'). . . We even got in a round or two of tee ball even though it was very hot outside.  Enjoy the pictures.
And Kallie did what Kallie do all afternoon while the little ones romped and ran.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sunday, July 11, 2010

For MiKayla.
We all enjoyed hearing your voice. 
These pictures are for you.
We Love You,
Dad, Mom, Kallie,
Zach and Bennette

Sunday, July 4th, 2010

"Happy American Day!!!"

Quote by Miss Bennette (5) and very appropriate.  We spent the afternoon and evening with family and friends in our neighborhood.  We are only about a mile from the lake where they set off the main city fireworks.  The trees block our view so we typically crash our neighbors yard in order for a prime view.

Watching the fireworks this year reminded me of years gone by.  My favorite memories are those where the kids are so mesmorized by the huge colorful bursts in the sky.  This year I reminised about last year and how our oldest daughter took a couple hundred pictures of the nightworks on her cell phone trying to capture the perfect photo.