Let's talk health and nutrition.
First I will take you on a time warp. 15 years ago I landed a job as a pharmacy clerk and worked in that field for about 3 years. I gleaned ALOT from my experience. Sure I learned some great skills and gained mucho knowledge about how the world works but let's talk about what I learned from the nutrition aspect:
(scene: Enter middle aged woman with a gallon size ziplock bag full of small amber color prescription bottles)
"Mrs. D." approaches my pharmacy counter and places large clear bag on the counter. "I need to get some refills". I watch as she opens the bag and I watch her hands tremor as she removes the small bottles one by one and sets them on the counter. Appearently frustrated by her lack of focus and control of her own hands, she begins to tell a story I have never forgotten. "I went to the Doctor for . . . He prescribed this" (gently placing another bottle on the counter). "But the side effects caused ____, so he prescribed this" (another bottle). "The combination of the two caused me to ______, so I take this" (you guessed it-another bottle). This went on until every bottle had a horrifying explaination.
This was only the beginning of my observation of the giant pharmaceutical beast. I have some crazy stories, this was only the beginning of my eye opening experiences. Now is the time to enter a disclaimer, if you will. I am not opposed to doctors, pharmacies, blah, blah, blah. I have gained much knowledge from many of these kind of proffessionals in my life. From some, what to do; from others, what not to do. No bashing here, just sharing my personal opinions and experiences in my own journey.
From the beginning of these experiences at the pharmacy I determined that there had to be an alternative to this kind of lifestyle. Being on the fluffy side ALL of my life, I have had plenty of ups and downs on the health/weight scale. I began a quest and it continues to this day. I will use this forum for discussion, if you are reading this, yes, you. Please feel free to discuss, comment, email me--let's chat.
Ok, here is a brief list of things attempted (some of them may have been beneficial, some not so much):
~Supplements (you name it, there's an vitamin/herb for it)
~Pyramid/MLM Buy/Build/Bankrupt
~Exercise (from Walking Buddies to Classes & Memberships)
~Books, Videos, Cookbooks
~Flush; Detox; Cleanse
~Eat this, don't eat that
~Groups, Clubs, Bible Studies (yes, even Bible based fads)
Some of these worked great but I fell off the wagon; Some things were just a JOKE; Some were too expensive; . . . You get the point, one excuse is as good as the other. I love to watch/read articles on health tips, good nutrition, and what not. I am always looking for the magic potion to cure me. The truth is that I am my biggest enemy. My brain, my will, my laziness & procrastination. I acknowledge this, I live with it every day.
Just laying the foundation here. Tomorrow we will discuss what IS working for me RIGHT NOW and I am not selling anything I am just taking back CONTROL of me and using this blog to document my journey. I have tried some really outrageous things lately and it is affecting everything about the way I live my life. Topics that I would like to discuss (but not limited to):
~Getting rid of joy sucking worry
~Relax, Breathe, Let it go
~Iridology and other Alternative thinking
~Food Allergies that make you retain weight
~Herbivores, Chia seeds, and Herbal Tea
~Educating yourself
I DO NOT have it all figured out, you are welcome to join me in this journey if you like. I would love some feedback. Until tomorrow. . .