
Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday, August 27th, 2010

Reading.  I love to read.  I rarely pick up a novel because once I start something like that I can hardly put it down and I do not need any more excuses to procrastinate.  I like magazines and the kinds of books that you can be satisfied with reading a section and then be able to pick it up again later with out missing a beat. 

Blogging.  I love to blogging for many reasons.  It gives me a chance to vent (though my rantings probably don't make sense to many); I can post things to keep my friends and family up to date on what is going on with us; AND I love my reading list.  The reading list enables me to "follow" blogs that I am interested in and I can just log in to my blogspot account and ta-da, my reading list is right there.  The most current blog postings pop up right there and I can skim through and read just as if I were picking up a magazine. 

This allows me to have a moment to myself.  Sometimes I need a refreshing idea for schooling or dinner.  Sometimes I just need to find a little inspiration.  Blogging has become a good outlet for me and I can have reading material right at my fingertips that fits me for the moment that I need.

As always, please feel free to leave a comment or a note.  It's not a commitment and I don't think you're being nosy either :)

Grace and Peace To You,

1 comment:

  1. Novels..a must!! breath!! My family...all that I have been, am and will be. That is why I want my family to pick good mates because they become a part of me. I'm so glad that by God's choice, you are a part of me and you have given me such wonderful additions. I love you Aunt Judy
